1 year ago27ago2023 Hawaii - Laser incendiando bosques / Laser burning forests || RESISTANCE ...-Resistance ...-
1 year ago11M - La Mayor Organizacion Terrorista de España: el congreso de los diputados. El principio del fin 12/17. Terra Ignota 2022 (documental)Resistance ...-
10 months ago26oct2021 PFIZER added cardiac drug to vaccines for children · PFIZER añadió medicamento cardíaco en vacunas para niños || RESISTANCE ...-Resistance ...-
2 years ago24Aug2022 Mohamed VI, King of Morocco, mocks Allah and the holy book of the Koran by getting drunk in Paris, France || RESISTANCE ...-Resistance ...-
2 years ago05Aug2022 Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Doctor of Biology Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has not been vaccinated · Wikileaks || RESISTANCE ...-Resistance ...-
1 year ago13mar2023 HAARP · Weapon of mass destruction using Weather modification || RESISTANCE ...-Resistance ...-
2 years ago27jun2022 Joe Biden - Bicycles weren't invented for reptiles - People walk, reptiles crawl || RESISTANCE ...-Resistance ...-
1 year ago11M - La Mayor Organizacion Terrorista de España: el congreso de los diputados. El principio del fin 10/17. Terra Ignota 2022 (documental)Resistance ...-