3 years ago‘People that had not voted since the 1990 ..were all now reactivated and receiving mail-in ballots’SeekTruth
3 years ago(Georgia) 'for each County to obtain final ARLO results, the state would notify them of their total’SeekTruth
3 years ago(Georgia)'they could never reduplicate what happened on election night & every time they ran the #s'SeekTruth
3 years ago(Georgia) 'known ballot harvester ..has been caught in Indiana, charges were brought against people'SeekTruth
3 years ago(Georgia) S.O.S. 'sent letters to 8000 ..voters ..who voted illegally on November 3rd & told them..’SeekTruth
3 years agoTestified that '..verifying ..vote with that signature that ..scribbled on the electronic pad ..'SeekTruth
3 years ago'None of the names on the ballots that arrived after 3-5 AM in 60 boxes, ..were in the poll book'SeekTruth
3 years agoElection Poll Watcher-Poll Monitor observed workers '.. Transferring them to a new ballot ..'SeekTruth
3 years agoThey had to push the green button on the tabulation machine since the poll worker told them to do soSeekTruth
3 years agoWisconsin: Son of Elderly Voter Fraud Victim shows that his Dad voted Absentee from the nursing homeSeekTruth
3 years agoElection Observer testified Supervisor stated ‘There's no problems with using markers on..’ ballotsSeekTruth
3 years agoElection Poll Challenger at TCF Center testifies seeing Sequential Ballot numbersSeekTruth
3 years ago.. you need Bi-partisan teams to be at every ballot drop off location precisely when the poles closeSeekTruth
3 years agoElection Poll Tech Worker '..the two of them were printing ballots..,he's printing random ballots..'SeekTruth
3 years agoLIVE (cleaned-up):Trump and Giuliani Participate in Hearing on Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania (Nov. 25)SeekTruth
3 years agoWayne County Michigan Canvasser testifies in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee (Dec. 2)SeekTruth
3 years agoExpert Witness Colonel Phil Waldron testifies in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee (Dec 2)SeekTruth
3 years agoExpert Witness Russ Ramsland testifies in Georgia there were 461,349 Potentially illegal VotesSeekTruth
8 months agoAm I A SECULAR Chirstian?! Jordan Peterson Shows Me The "TRUTH" w/ Cosmic SkepticTheIndianJesus
3 years agoMayor Rudy Giuliani testifies before Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues (Dec 30)SeekTruth
3 years ago'New shipment announcement by Mr. Baxter at 4:30 AM on the microphone (PA System)' at the TCF CenterSeekTruth