‘30,000 of the 172,000 Absentee votes in the city of Detroit.., 229 of these 30,000 ..are deceased'

2 years ago

Election Poll Challenger:
'.. go through 30,000 of the 172,000 Absentee votes in the city of Detroit.., 229 of these 30,000 ..are deceased'
- '2,660 Invalid addresses described by vacant lots and burned down houses'

2nd Election Poll Challenger witness:
- 'Witnessed a August 4th Primary ballot come in, to which they decided they would go ahead and Duplicate it to a General Election Ballot'
- 'Witnessed several Poll Workers yelling, cursing all kinds of nasty things at a lot of the Poll Challengers ..'
- All of Challenges were Denied
- Did not witness any other Poll Challengers successful in challenging a ballot

The most impactful witnesses

This is a reminder of why we need a Full Forensic Audit in the state of Michigan and one of the main reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Michigan.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News live recording of the 'LIVE COVERAGE OF MICHIGAN SENATE HEARING ON ELECTION ISSUES' on 12/01/2020

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

Segment of:

7 Hour Original Source:

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