'Received November 4th enter as November 2nd..' Note on box of ballots at TCF Center

3 years ago

Election Poll Challenger at TCF Center testifies about 'Box of ballots.. 500 ballots.. Notes stuck on.. Read Received November 4th enter as November 2nd..', 'these three ladies were entering these ballots into the Verified Voter System'

- 'Witnessed multiple times stacks of 50 ballots being put through the Tabulators, multiple times ..'
- 'Witnessed Military ballots being Duplicated, ..Only Biden's name was selected, no down ballot, and I watched multiples.. and not one of them was for Trump, I thought that was really strange, especially being Military'

2nd Witness at TCF Center:
- 'Seen the truck that had came in between 3:30 and 4 (AM)'

The most impactful witnesses

This is a reminder of why we need a Full Forensic Audit in the state of Michigan and one of the main reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Michigan.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News live recording of the 'LIVE COVERAGE OF MICHIGAN SENATE HEARING ON ELECTION ISSUES' on 12/01/2020

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

Segment of:

7 Hour Original Source:

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