8 months agoFig Tree Generation Ends as US Celebrates July 4 Wknd. Enochian & Gregorian Calendars Align in 2024!David The Watchman
9 months ago50 Days after the Sign of Jonah - A.I. was unleashed on May 28th. Is the Restrainers Hand Lifted?David The Watchman
9 months agoI Believe I Just Found THE HOUR - My Challenge to the Other Watchmen: “Who Will Find THE DAY?”David The Watchman
5 months agoThe Full Gospel: Deep Dive; How to Defend Against Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Attack & Keep Your JoyDavid The Watchman
10 months agoI'm not here to convince you Jesus is coming; I'm WARNING you Jesus is coming.David The Watchman
1 year agoApril 8 Last Biblical Eclipse for 20 yrs. I’m at Ark in Ninevah ‘X’ on New Madrid Fault. Is this it?David The Watchman
9 months agoWARNING:It Was In Our Face – Confirmation Bible Aligns w/May 18, 2024 Being Day the Ark Door Closes?David The Watchman
3 years agoNot Today Satan. Dad Passed Away, Accepting Jesus on his Deathbed. Anyone Can Be Saved. Hurry thoughDavid The Watchman
3 years agoPandemic's SO February. March is Nuclear Holocaust month. You Ready(.gov)? Back to normal soon? 😳David The Watchman
2 years agoThe Lost Choose to be Lost. The Ignorant Choose to be Ignorant. HIVe mAIDS. Jesus is the Way.David The Watchman
2 years agoPt 1: Introduction. WARNING! We Fly Soon. You Are Here. What's Next? Escape, Rapture & DotLDavid The Watchman
2 years agoAll fun & games til robot dogs, dogs w/human faces, & dogs w/bees in their mouths come for you.David The Watchman
2 years ago'Passover Incoming'STOP'Tribulation Storm Warnings In Effect For Earth'STOP'Jesus Loves You'END MSGDavid The Watchman
2 years agoHow can you not see how dark the world has become - Just One week of snapshots w/o commentary.David The Watchman
2 years agoPt 2b: OSAS Detour. WARNING! Salvation vs Inheritance. We Fly Soon. Escape, Rapture & DotLDavid The Watchman
2 years agoPt 2: Luke 21 Study. WARNING! We Fly Soon. You Are Here. What's Next? Escape, Rapture & DotLDavid The Watchman
2 years agoPt 2c: WARNING! Palm Sunday 7 Day Warning? Triumphal Entry 4/11. Passover 4/17 HIGH WATCH!David The Watchman
2 years agoPt 1c: WARNING! Salvation, Inheritance, Temptation, Narrow Path. Sanctify your Temple NOW.David The Watchman
2 years agoPt 1e: WARNING! Salvation, Inheritance, Temptation, Narrow Path. Sanctify your Temple NOW wrap-upDavid The Watchman
2 years agoSnapchat normalize, condition, indoctrinate kids into Digital Babylon Hive Mentality. Pray for them.David The Watchman
2 years agoPt 1d: WARNING! Salvation, Inheritance, Temptation, Narrow Path. Sanctify your Temple NOW continuedDavid The Watchman
2 years agoI did it to myself - my Embarrassing Testimony. A roaring lion nearly devoured me. FULL armor of GodDavid The Watchman
2 years ago5/6 Israel Indep, Storms, Snap "Christians to Blame", "10 Best" AC films, MO TestiMOny, '24' VirusDavid The Watchman