The Watchmen are closing in on the appointed time - it will not tarry. Stay in the Light.

3 months ago

To all Watchmen and Watchwomen out there - DO NOT STOP WATCHING. "No one knows the day nor hour". Well, that's true - but that scripture you're clinging to is not talking about the rapture.

Satan is like a black mirror mimicry of God...while Jesus is always looking to save the one lost sheep, Satan is looking to devour the one lost sheep, so if he can shut down watchmen, he's shutting down the ones Jesus has raised up among us to shine lights on the Him.

Jesus is holding our hands, walking with us, keeping us focused on these dates. We watched dates in March...that didnt come. We watched dates in April...that didnt come. We're watching dates in May... You know what's happening while we're watching this intently, and with such an urgency in our hearts? What are you NOT doing, when you're searching for Jesus? You're not looking at the world.

This, I believe, is why scripture says - in Habbakuk 2:3 it says "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

God raised the watchmen up for such a time as this. Jesus, our shepherd, knows the voice of his sheep. He knows, (like sheep), that you're skiddish, and likely to run if you get spooked. And Satan roams about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour...he roars in your faces, causing strife and anguish and fear, looking for those that flinch. That's why he sent Watchmen to warn of the times, and shine their lamps into the darkness ahead - so you keep your eyes on Jesus. This proves we can do nothing, God is in control.

I share some pictures of the coming forced famine, store shelves in Clearwater and Bradenton florida are being cleared out, and crazy drunk guy that pulls his boat into the swimming area bouys over Memorial Day Weekend. As well as show short clips of hail tearing through the roof of a WalMart, and wind moving jets off the tarmac...God is trying to get the world's attention. Do you see?

And I made a silly (but hopefully encouraging) short video to lighten the mood for Watchmen. We're all under attack. Just laugh it off, and keep going. God bless all of you and your families. See you soon.

My Warning Video series: Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE.
1. 50 Days after the Sign of Jonah - A.I. was unleashed on May 28th. Is the Restrainers Hand Lifted?
2. Red Skies are a Warning
3. The Rapture Key & 47 Days. Wait for it because it will surely will not tarry.
4. Its May 18, is Ark Door Closed?! Ezekiel 33:Now is not the time for cold feet, Watchmen. WARN THEM.
5. CALLING ALL WATCHMEN: May 18 & 25 - scripture confirmation of most important dates ever watched for
6. WARNING:It Was In Our Face – Confirmation Bible Aligns w/May 18, 2024 Being Day the Ark Door Closes?
7. May 18th 40 Days After Sign of Jonah; 1111’s got me ringing Hells Warning Bells; Ark Door closing
8. I'm not here to convince you Jesus is coming; I'm WARNING you Jesus is coming.

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