WARNING:It Was In Our Face – Confirmation Bible Aligns w/May 18, 2024 Being Day the Ark Door Closes?

9 months ago

URGENT: For the consideration of all Watchmen and Watchwomen out there - We all know “when” Bible scripture says the Flood started; but did you know that scripture would appear to align with May 25, 2024? Remember, I’m not looking for a Rapture Date, I’m watching signs that tell us when the Tribulation will start, and then taking comfort in knowing the Rapture occurs even sooner.
Are you watching? They voted and passed the resolution to divide the land God gave to Israel RIGHT NOW. Solar flares are causing the Aurora Borealis to be visible in the FLORIDA KEYS! Nuclear War Doomsday planes dropped delegates and VIPs off at the bunker in Colorado YESTERDAY! Incredible, and ever-increasing storms in the United States, and global flooding!
I didn’t make these dates up, I didn’t use gematria or alternative calendars. Or fancy math. I counted on my fingers between dates, the numbers given in the Bible for Jonahs warning, 7 days of protection, and 40 day flood, and confirmed the date stated in the Bible using the standard Hebrew calendar. And it aligns. Are you excited yet? GET ON THE ARK.

Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Accept His free gift of eternal life – He is the Door.

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