2 years agoPedophile cannibal Satanist Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton same bloodline black nobility family teamChristianRapture
1 year ago"Dr. 'David Martin' "FACT! 'Covid-19' Was Biological Warfare On The Human Race" Condemns the WHOAENNVerified
2 years agoPart 6: Anti-feminist who was thrown out of Internet & hunted by pedophile cannibal Satanist witchesChristianRapture
2 years agoModern tech cannot match 1800s Tartaria Phoenician nephilim giants civilization technology buildingsChristianRapture
2 years agoSatan's End Times plan 3 component: nephilim mothers & nephilim world leaders & millions fake aliensChristianRapture
2 years agoThousands of homeless veterans are being used by NWO reptilian elites to create a zombie virus armyChristianRapture
3 years agoClown Planet News (12 January, 2022): Fauci Caught Lying, Pfizer Updating the Jab, Pope Francis VaxSensus Fidelium
2 years agoNorth Korea and Cuba have the most technologically advanced civilization cities underground in worldChristianRapture
2 years agoSatan Lucifer is desperate now! Resorting to claim great victory over God by undressing us in sleepChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO genocidal psychopathic elite planning 99% extermination using 3 world wars & betrayal & massacreChristianRapture
2 years agoAll LGBT people are sodomized as babies to infuse many demons for multiple personality disorder usesChristianRapture
2 years agoSpend 30 minutes alone with Jesus instead of going to pedophile cannibal Satanist pastors' churchesChristianRapture
2 years agoSatanist Sabbatean Nazi Blackwater Ukrainian nephilim stage fake war by shooting own human UkrainianChristianRapture
2 years ago2 things bring God's judgment & titans back - Church's breeding hybrids & cross-dressing men's pantsChristianRapture
2 years ago50% of pastors & church members are Satanist DID reptilian soulless people for killing church peopleChristianRapture
2 years agoSinful humans dumb so they telling replaced clones of evacuated politicians to stop NWO nuclear warChristianRapture
2 years agoPoliticians, celebrities & military elite are eating alive soldiers & children & for bio weapon testChristianRapture
2 years agoGod may be allowing Satan Lucifer's CERN to collapse the universe & its inhabitants as his judgmentChristianRapture
2 years agoMost fallen angel incarnate avatars love to be worshipped by taking jobs as actresses & idol singersChristianRapture
2 years agoFallen angel demon-possessed AI "black goo" elites exterminated so many = companies shortage workersChristianRapture
2 years agoIlluminati Satanist mock art parties are to cover up real cannibal party in case photos get leakedChristianRapture