Satan Lucifer & fallen angels planning race war in America for depopulating all humans just like WW2

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (October 2022). Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati black nobility families fallen angel avatars had plans for half a century to start race wars to depopulate humans, just as in their 5G frequency Rwandan genocide experiment. They are using their reptilian hybrid and ape hybrid “FBI’s Patriot Front white supremacists” versus their “Black Lives Matter” Satanists. They come up with such corny names for their groups, and they have ridiculous uniforms and scripted performances. It is just like they were manipulating Max Spiers and James Casbolt’s minds, in order to try to turn them against each other and hate each other, because they were friends and both cooperating together to expose Satan Lucifer and the fallen angel fake aliens and their Illuminati NWO’s crimes and plans and secrets. I know this, because they have done it to me in every single job and church and family and group and relationship from childhood. They control our minds and the other people’s minds, in order to try to turn each of us against each other. They interject thoughts every few seconds into our minds all day long 365 days a year, and the non-human psychic people can read our thoughts so they think we are the ones thinking those thoughts. They do it at a micro level, as well as at a macro level. They turn all the Asian nations against each other, and they turn the blacks and Caucasian whites against each other, and they turn the Rwandans against each other, and they turn the political factions against each other, and they turn the church people against each other, and they turn the upper class and lower class against each other to slaughter each other, and they turn the Western feminist nation’s “Bible verses redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” Eve women against the men with feminism and demon-possessing them with the Jezebel spirit through television & movies, and they turn the company people against each other so that they can steal the top positions in the companies, and they turn the alien species against alien species, and they turn the 1960s New Age witchcraft generation against their parent’s Christian ethics, and they turn the Jews against Arabs, and they turn Eve against God, and they turn their weaponized pastors and church members against us real Christians, and in every other possible conceivable situation and way. It is their divide and conquer strategy, as I shared in their Covenant of the fallen angels and Satan Lucifer. End of transmission… Do not trust InfoWars’ Alex Jones, because he is still supporting Donald Trump, even when he knows Donald Trump is a Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist child-trafficker, because he does not want to lose his InfoWars right-wing patriot nationalist religious Christian horde customers and millions of Trump supporters religious Christian hordes. Which begs the question if InfoWars’ Alex Jones is also a “Black Sun” Nazi SS Satanist “controlled opposition” to steal earth’s control from the shape-shifting Draco avatar Rothschild Zionist communist faction to hand that control of earth over to the cybernetic exoskeleton Draco avatar Rockefeller Nazi SS “Black Sun” faction. Or, as I said, he may be being used to instigate the right wing and left wing civil war, just like Steve Quayle and other people who are given publicity and not receive CIA microwave oven weapon cooking alive every day from next door homes & rooms.

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