Video of 1950s antigravity levitation speed bike. 1700s 1800s technology were more advanced than now

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022). Levitation machines were in common use in the 1800s, along with free energy and advanced building constructions that cannot be simulated with our modern day primitive technology. They used natural disasters and destroyed the previous advanced civilizations using the “Great Reset NWO Great Awakening.” They cannot have the cockroach-level human specie slave race have high levels of technology. They only have technology that are millions of years advanced on the thousands of Illuminati NWO different planets’ cities. The reptilian hybrid globalist elites and fallen angel incarnate avatar elites have their mansions on those planets, including Mars planet. The Nazi leaders have mansions in their cities on Ceres planet and thousands of other planets. They currently have 5,000 20-mile long star destroyers and other imperial spaceships in their Nazi space fleet. They rewrote all the books and history, and restarted civilization with orphans. These levitation spaceships and space technology was not only around since the 1700s but also from 5,000 years ago Noah’s Atlantis nephilim civilization days. The petroleum industry and medical industry is to keep making money off of the humans using contamination & poisoning of the earth and the human body, in order to kill off the humans and humanoid species and their own Satanist & witch populations, just like the feminism human extermination agenda. They tell the dumb reptilian hybrid pedophile cannibal Satanist elites that they are royalty, and then use them to do all their evils to keep the humans in check like the Nazi holocaust concentration camps’ Jewish Kapo prison guards, and they will kill all the Satanists and witches later just like the Kapo were killed. Reptilian hybrids are only useful while the humans are still around, in order to fight us real Christians who preserve order and prosperity and righteousness and peace and God’s blessings upon the galaxy and universe. Once we are gone, they will all be recycled by the devil, or so the devil and his fallen angels plan. They will just create a more manageable hive-mind livestock specie to parasite life force energy from. Prison guards are no longer necessary in such a society. You cut out the middle management, because everything will be automated. It is called corporate restructuring. The Apollo rockets were fake, and rockets do not slowly levitate into space. They were using ancient levitation technology they have had for a long time. They also use the same antigravity levitation technology in their B2 bombers which is just a flat wing flying, and on commercial planes, but they still collect airfare money from the humans and also tax money to pay for their military and make money from petroleum industry. Watch carefully, dear brethren, because these mentally retarded people will read our daily sermons, and do nothing and say nothing, and they will go back to their normal lives and churches, and at most, they will do more damage to God’s truth by modifying & diluting & sterilizing & picking & choosing & editing it, in order to make it palatable to the ears and rotten brains of their customers who pay huge church donations to them, and to make it safe from getting hung upside down and their livers eaten by the Satanist reptilian hybrid elites.

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