15-Minute Cities & COVID-19 | "The COVID-19 Crisis Could Be a Watershed Moment In the History of Surveillance Because Surveillance Is Being Transformed from Over the Skin Surveillance to Under the Skin Surveillance." - Yuval Noah Harari
#314 Maricopa County ADMITS 10.79% Of Tabulator Memory Cards (Official Election Results) Were NEVER Delivered To Receiving Centers On Election Night Nov 8, 2022. What Totals Were Used To Decide Winners If 48 Cards Were MISSING? | SG ANON - PART 2
The Great Reset | Tony Fauci & the Intentional Misuse of Karry Mullis' Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests | Could There Be Connection Between Those Two? "Fauci Does Not Mind Going On Television & Lie Directly Into the Camera." - Karry
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Next Election In the U.S. In November 2024 Is Likely to Be Run to a Large Extent By A.I." "A.I. Can Create Religions." "It Makes It Possible to Survey, to Monitor Everybody All of the Time"
The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) | The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) Explained- "This Bill Isn't Really About Banning TikTok. This Bill Could Give Enormous And Terrifying NEW Powers to the Federal Government to Punish America Citizens." - Tucker Carlson