1 year ago"I Astral projected, and a demon told me to do this"! Responding to LIVE callerIsaiahSaldivar
3 years agoFr. John Corapi ~ IMMORTAL COMBAT (8 pts) ~ Pt. 4: SacramentalsCafeteria Catholics Come Home
1 year agoDid Ben Shapiro lose his first debate? William Lane Craig argues Jesus is who He said He is!IsaiahSaldivar
1 year agoDepart from me I never KNEW you - Why many Christians will hear this on Judgment day.IsaiahSaldivar
1 year agoWhat happened to Greg Laurie's father after the Jesus Revolution? (Powerful Testimony)IsaiahSaldivar
1 year ago"Speaking in TONGUES is Demonic, gibberish, and not for today"! Addressing objections!IsaiahSaldivar