20 days ago

This is an educational video to bring understanding of New Zealands racist white extremist Hate Gang uniform freemason police. This night of HARRASSMENT PUBLIC THEFT AT NIGHT - is like gang raid gang rape. The most Dangerous cop was transgender angry Hobs. They all had Q IDs WTF? That's America police. Hobs went straight in the offensive in 'attack mode' to target me personally by their System Search Records for offending & the other 2 cops were submissive puppets. A revoked license in their corrupt records that Revokes Maori Drivers as Infant Invalids by a Parent Company bully. I will never have a nazi organ harvesting drivers license - I have a Wakaminenga Whakaputanga license of Freedom to travel where ever I want on my Native Title Deed Lands here in BOP. These corporate liars & theives demand their license be displayed for freemason Human Organ Harvesting Death Record is satanic evil sacrificial adrenochrome!!! Demanding Human Organs on A Drivers License Pure Evil!!
This is my 2nd contact experience with LGBT cops that have 'hyper sensitive mode' activity High Strung Moods - they go into 'ATTACK MODE' to target the individual seen as a threat, these hybrids arent human. They are possibly micro-chipped clones on crack substance, as we saw Ardern taking that bong poison. LGBT cops need banning they should not be police ever!!! Why are NZ police Q IDs? This is USA Trumps Q cops??
The pedophile Family Court takes our children, confiscated our Driving IDs to attack Women in New Zealand targeted by faggots of law & medical society. This is a nazi concentration camp operation to destroy Reputations by fake records, fake reports fake court orders by fake judges. CLOSE the Family Court Human Slave Trade of our birth certificates & marriage certs! Sold of the World Trade Market!
I had to hitch-hick 10 kms to get home at Night.
Remove the Coroners Office from Maori landcourt! NZTA-LTSA-Police-DHBs hospitals-Courts-Politicial parties are Evil Human Organ Harvestors. Using their
cult DRIVERS LICENSE IDs system. We Demand A FULL criminal investigation & Audit!
This incident is also a Survey of NZ police who's Financial position at 2018 was $80 million DEBT - they a Loan from Chinese Hongkong Shanghai Bank- ANZ-Pfizer to contract as SMART Cities goons. Their DEBT is used for Revenue gathering by targeting community QUOTA Numbers. And they are IN DEBT to their Money Lenders. These bankrupt borrowers are a Liability causing harm & should be Disqualififed deregistered as a Closure of QE2 nazi colonial War powers.
We Demand the Exposing of this sick cult practice for 60years!!! Native Sovereign Maori are being Organ Harvested by Pedophiles International Courts & Nazi police medical military industrial complex in Aotearoa New Zealand & Treaty of Waitangi 1975 act law, policy, regulation is used by Parent Comporations treating us as Infants-Invalids- Irrelevant. These Maori landcourts are paid ppp partners! Today, Indigenous Warrior organs are a multi billion industry like human trafficking. The crime operation is guarded by Border Security Staff at Courthouses & Roads are International highways demand a Quota system of 'Roading Deaths' Dead Bodycounts, yearly. Where is Justice? THIS DRIVERS LICENSE MUST GO to End Slavery.
The Courthouse Border Security Staff wear black & white uniforms like Saint Johns Ambulance emergency harvestors, contracted to Goldman Sachs. And court judges blackcapes of Jesuit Catholic priest robes - executioners to murder people by Hammer. The Auctions are Animal Farming courtcases:
Ring CRIME STOPPERS to Report Police & Politicians Vaccine injuries & deaths calling for Nuremberg Trials 2024. The Failure to include their own corporate Laws including:
1. Bill of Rights 1990
2. Human Rights act 1993 ( which came out from civil rights & women's rights movements
3. New Zealand Constitution 1986. Rothchilds-vatican-crown
Police are Addicted to their cult Crimes act 1961 prisons4profit & FINES infringement revenue gathering.
Also Boycott NZ DRIVERS License Human Organ Harvesting Crimes Against Humanity - billionaire $$ industry. Take the Coroners office out of Maori Landcourt in Rotorua:
Update Monday 29th May:
To Whom It May Concern:
I found out now these wacko pigs have been using their Criminal Procedure act 2011 on me. Part 1 Claus 2 - Electronic Surveillance. Electrical- Digital-Magnetic-Optical-Biometrics-scanning tech-radiation poisoning DEW direct energy weapons Torture. Combined to destroy murder me with  Vaccines combined. These are Terrorist Gays LGBT free masons cult. And this is why I started Maori Battalion Military Intelligence. They Declare War upon us! I made complaints & Will wait what happens. Stopping me going for Tauranga Mayor to take down Tech! Police-Tele communications & Power companies HATE Gangs. REVOKE Criminal Procedure act 2011 to disarm Police nazis. They are Dangerous out of control.
NZ Police use of Criminal Procedure act 2011. Part 1 Purpose Claus(b) Electronic- radioactive  currents signals & circuits-biometrics-opitical, describing EMF SMART TECH 5g as bioweapons DEW to Torture & Assault NZers by stealth. And includes Health Security Risk Management Assessment fraud allegations to Shutdown  Whistleblowers non compliance to Smart Cities & Vaccines, Digital verification, digital currency, digital IDs in partnership with Bill Gates-UN-WHO-WEF-CCP. LGBT fuelled Police partners, with Power Companies & Telecommunications SECURITY militant Parent  companies. AGENDA2030 rollout. This Declaration of War upon citizens & sovereigns by elites Illegal invasion of NZ. Cult police must be disarmed disabled remove Tazer weapons & firearms & scanning devices including Breath Testing electric devices. All radioactive radiation poisoning programs exposure is toxic population reduction health threats - blood clots, brain bleeds, cancers, heart failure, attacks central nervous system inducing seizures, radiation burns:
Land Theft Car Theft its the same racist hate displayed - MATA Mahinarangi Forbes:
Maori Sovereign Native Land - fleeced Perpetual Leases:
USA Presidential Campainer 2024 Robert F Kennedy Speech Constitution-Bill of Rights-FREE Julian Assange & Edward Snowden & Donald Trumps ruthless Covid19 Pandemic Act of War Against Americans:
All Rights Reserved.

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