Fr. John Corapi ~ IMMORTAL COMBAT (8 pts) ~ Pt. 4: Sacramentals

3 years ago

Father John Corapi... "What do the Sacramental's do? The Sacramental's help us to be disposed, to receive Sanctifying Grace.. Now you remember what Sanctifying Grace is?.. Sanctifying Grace is a 'share in Divine Life.' Examples of Sacramental's: Holy Water, Holy Medals, Rosaries that are blessed, Holy Pictures/Statues that are blessed, Exorcism.. The Rite of Exorcism is a Sacramental, blessings of places.. When a Priest or Deacon comes to bless your home that's a Sacramental. Blessings are Sacramental's, did you know that YOU are called to be a blessing, and to give blessings?.. To the degree that you are in union with Christ, to the degree that you are Holy, you become a Blessing. The Sacramental's are great weapons in this Spiritual Combat in which we are engaged. Now if I was an enemy of God, or just flat unenlightened.. An unwitting enemy of God.. Not a conscious enemy of God, I might say something like this.. 'oh do away with that superstition, we don't believe in Holy Water anymore, we don't believe in Blessed Salt anymore, we don't believe in Exorcism anymore, we don't believe in Rosaries and Medals and all that stuff, that's pious nonsense, maybe it's even Idolatry'.. If I were the Devil, I would love to hear all that kind of talk all over the world - why?.. because that is removing things that do violence to the Enemy."

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