3 months agoPAUL MASON p8 | FAT ESSENTIALS OMEGA 3 & 6! …omega 6 fat only inflammatory from seed oils, or IRDoctorsToTrust
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3 years agoREVERSED docu-series Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Teaser TrailerDr Berry's Proper Human DietVerified
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN h; | In nature: protein & fat ALWAYS COME TOGETHER! animal source bestDoctors To Trust
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6 months agoJASON FUNG f2 | FAT LOSS …avoid calories that spike INSULIN, they immediately store as fat…RATIONALDoctorsToTrust
2 years agoShawn Baker 2 | Glioblastoma tumors shrink & remain inactive on keto/carnivore dietDoctors To Trust
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1 year agoNADIR ALI 1 | When insulin resistant: fat backs up into circulation: fatty liver; pancreas; muscleDoctors To Trust