2 years agoSuper Metroid VARIA Randomizer - Orange Geemer, Kraid, Chozo Robots, 25% Items, No TourianMetal Smasher Gaming
1 year agoTetris 99 - 37th Maximus Cup: Warioware Move It Theme (12/1/2023-12/4/2023)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoMary Skelter Nightmares Remake (Switch) - Fear Mode - Part 51: Mine Cart MadnessMetal Smasher Gaming
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2 years agoFire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - Scarlet Blaze (Hard) - Part 31: Shifting History (1/4)Metal Smasher Gaming
2 years agoFire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - Scarlet Blaze (Hard) - Part 32: Shifting History (2/4)Metal Smasher Gaming
3 years agoWarcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal - Human Campaign - Mission 4: Beyond the Dark PortalMetal Smasher Gaming
1 year agoFinal Fantasy 4 Ultima (SNES ROM Hack) - Part 37: Superbosses Shinryu & Storm DragonMetal Smasher Gaming