Ep.253 Trump LEADS Kamala 54% To 45.4% On Polymarket! Feds Claim Authority To Assassinate Americans! Hackers Breach American Water Works Systems! Elon: We’ll Cut 80% Of The Fed Gov Under Trump, Trump To Release Epstein Client List!
PT.2 KEVIN SAMUEL'S PIC Dr. UMAR DUST UP PC RANT🕎Ecclesiasticus 25:19 “All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman: let the portion of a sinner fall upon her.”
THE WHIMSICAL NATURE LIBERAL WOMEN OF ISRAEL BLACK & LATINO WOMEN ARE AGENTS OF CHAOS WHO HATE ORDER.🕎Deuteronomy 23:17 “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.”
TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS:BLACK WOMAN EVE THREATENS HUBAND WITH GUN🕎 Ecclesiasticus 26:23 “A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.”