05-22-24 Beliefs, Clearing AI, the Moon, Giants, Discernment, Sasquach, Prayers

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Brysentia spoke first and talked at length about how many things in life have been misconstrued, changed, and hidden. She spoke about Soul connection and the importance of listening.

Next Albayon spoke about the Giant that was found in the middle east. He spoke about the perception of religion and how it is changing.

Crystallia wanted to close things out and as she did so, she was sending waves of energy to help people during this change.

All of the ULBs speak from a place of love, compassion, and empowerment.

Question Brysentia:

29:46- I live in a small town in New Zealand. We have a very polluted lake here. Please tell me what I can do energetically help?

36:00- Can you speak about the other forces that have arrived near Earth that are supporting the nefarious ones.

39:01- How can we obtain complete peace to open our heart or third eye ?

41:20- The moon is changing place often. Why?

45:27- Greetings beautiful Brysentia - would you please look at Dr. Ardis who has posted about the healing properties of the tobacco plant. He says that the additives the companies put in cigarettes are what causes cancer. He says that the pure tobacco plant cures M S, Diabetes, Cancer, Parkinsins and many other maladies. I know the American Indians use tobacco in ceremony and for healing. Thank you.

48:37- It seems the intensity has gone up a notch. I unexpectedly left a job, and the one I wanted surprisingly got filled up all at the same time. Both unexpected. Others as well are experiencing a suddenly change in circumstances last week and this week. What is this about? It feels like the energies are switching things up in a big way collectively and individually.

53:30- I know the weather attacks happening all over the world maybe done by nefarious.
Is some storms and floods done by whitehats?

56:24- Will there be a winter as we know it and will Christmas be done with?

57:50- How do i communicate with the animals?

1:00:00- I wrap copper material, bands you may say around my ankles and wrists at night, it seems to bring toxins to the surface of the skin. Is this accurate?

Question Albayon:

1:13:37- I use moldavite to cleanse toxins. Is this true?

1:15:36- An odd question-What kind of toilets will we have in the future? The ones we have now use a tremendous amount of water.

1:16:51- Can you speak about why there seems to be a fight for domination of planet Earth.

1:18:52- How can we trust , or believe the connect with you is true ?

1:25:58- My question is what is causing the very unusual heat and dangerous draught here in Mexico. Very, very unusual high temperatures. Thank you

1:28:25- About 40 years ago I learned that the Sasquach, or Big Foot as we know them were created on Atlantas to take over the hard labor of farming etc. I was told that Their time on earth would be finished soon and they could leave the Earth. Has the ascension Energies made that possible and they have ascended or are doing so now. They touched my heart with a deep sadness the time I encountered them. I live in the Pacific North West surrounded by mountains.

Question Crystallia:

1:39:56-Once our lesson on Earth is complete ( or we feel like it is ) how can we help others ( but not interfere in there lesson ) ?
1:42:55 - Do you agree that our DNA is also changing from carbon base to crystalline?

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