1 year ago🎬 Mujib The Making Of A Nation (2023) Bangla Movie | Arefin Shuvo | Nusrat Fariya |Moviesupdaterr5424
6 years agoNewsroom: "Do Not Add or Subtract from YHVH's Words" - Both YHVH and Yahshua said it!Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.
4 years agoWrite 1 Yearly Letter to Papa Yah at Rosh ha'Shanah (the Biblical Head of the Year)!Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.
6 years agoIsrael Travel Tips: "Good morning, Good night!" Purse and Feast Time in IsraelTeshuvah Ministries, Inc.
4 years agoOnly Repeating YHVH's & Ye'shua's Words (Part 1–Should Christians Keep the Biblical Feasts?)Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.
7 years agoTake me Home Yehovah (a spin off of "Take me Home Country Roads" by John Denver)Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.
4 years agoTM TALK SHOW | Mark of the Beast | Characteristics and Consequences of Receiving this MarkTeshuvah Ministries, Inc.
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7 years agoIt's the Time of the New Order: the Melchizedek Priesthood [AUDIO ONLY]Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.
4 years agoWindstorm Devastation | Jan. 13, 2021 | North Idaho College | Spokane, WA | Eye WitnessTeshuvah Ministries, Inc.