Amightywind Prophecy 143 Excerpts YAH Warns Don't give your Biometrics-Fake videos will punish/China will Close Taiwan-War/Over Half World not Human DNA-Synthetic Blood/No good aliens-fallen angels/Radiation!
Amightywind Prophecy 84 Excerpts For HIS Own "I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there" "these plagues did not come nigh them." It's YAHUSHUA'S SPIRIT & SHED BLOOD (mirrored)
The 7 Seals - Part Two: What Is The Scroll? | 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION - EP 04 | End of the World, Last Days, Four Horsemen, 666, Armageddon, The Mark of The Beast Bible
The 7 Seals - Part One: Covenant Language | 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION - EP 03 | End of the World, Last Days, Four Horsemen, 666, Armageddon, The Mark of The Beast Bible, CBDC