The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 106 - The Jesuits: Luciferian Cultural Hegemony!

3 years ago

In order to fully control a people there are certain things that need to be done so that those people either do not know that they are being enslaved or have willingly agreed to it. I think the communist Czech author Milan Kundera and Socialist author George Orwell expressed this process well.

Kundera said, “The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have someone write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster. The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”

George Orwell stated, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

This is what the Jesuits have done. They have inverted reality! Nobody knows who they are anymore! People don’t know the real past, so many fictions have been written. They don’t even have a sense of national identity! Cultural and individual memory is being extinguished and replaced with group think and one-worldism! By corrupting all cultures the Jesuits have corrupted mankind. They have superimposed Luciferian humanist, technocratic values upon a Christian moral foundation thus squeezing it out. Culture has been the backdoor by which the mind of mankind has been infiltrated and subverted.

The Jesuits have indeed replaced real history with their own interpretation, erasing Rome’s footprint behind its crimes against humanity. They have also replaced empirical science with pseudo science. All the original books on these and other knowledges have been removed from circulation or revised by Masonic authors. Update or Revision is simply code for alteration, omission or deletion. The saying, “knowledge is power” is 100% true and when that knowledge is in the wrong hands expect everything to be corrupted!

In order to carry out the social engineering required to “Liquidate” culture and memory a people must first be coerced and deceived into accepting such a program. For the Romans, consent must be obtained from their victims in a legal fashion whether the people are informed about it or not. In order to achieve this the rulers of a people group must be infiltrated and subverted so that they will BETRAY their people. A naive people eager to OBEY their rulers is easily conquered and enslaved from within. This is what has happened to EVERY NATION today. Adolf Hitler admired the Romans for their gift of “artifice” and their ability to deceive and enslave nations.

Aldous Huxley wrote that, “Herman Rauschning stated in 1939, “Hitler has a deep respect for the Catholic church and the Jesuit order, not because of their Christian doctrine, but because of the ´machinery they have elaborated and controlled, their hierarchical system, their extremely clever tactics, their knowledge of human nature and their wise use of human weaknesses in ruling over believers.”
History records what Hitler was able to do to the German people using the lessons he had learned from his Roman handlers. ALL national leaders worldwide are now doing the same to their peoples. They are all Roman pawns in this dystopian end game that we find ourselves in. The Jesuits can smell blood and victory and nothing possible can now stop the Papal Beast Empire from reaching its “apotheosis” in world history. What is happening right now IS the beginning of the end!

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The Black Pope - Mary F Cusack - 1896

The Fiery Jesuits - F Doza SJ - 1667

The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan Of The Order - Jacopo Leone SJ - 1848

The History Of Protestantism: The Jesuits - JA Wylie - 1878

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