1 year ago

BLOOD MOON BLOOD SUN WedJun072023 O, boy I could use greater understanding on this 'EVENT.'

Jesus the Christ: the EXAMPLE of what SALVATION looks like...

WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? (Make a Decision)

Answer: Repent! Turn! Go the Way of the CROSS! Learn of Our (Example Setter ‘Jesus Christ’) via His Word Written; the (KJV Bible), and His Holy Spirit; Experienced; ask HIM for HIS (Holy Spirit).

[PRAY the PRAYER] to Salvation, unto Jesus Christ; and, the KINGDOM of Heaven.

I am asking you to read the prayer below out loud; and, the Lord asks that you believe these words with your whole heart. If you will ‘only’ (believe) you will be instantly ‘SAVED.’

Now, please trust GOD and read these words of prayer saying them out loud:

In the name of Jesus Christ, Dear GOD in Heaven, I come to you today as a lost sinner. I am asking you Lord God to (save) my soul and cleanse me from all the sin that I have sinned against YOU and Your creation.

I realize in my heart that I am a fallen soul and that something in me is terribly wrong. I know I need to be saved, and today I ask for Your Salvation through Jesus Christ. I accept Jesus Christ and what He did for me on the Cross, in my heart, to redeem my eternal soul saving me from destruction. I accept Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit as Lord in my life and my heart forever.

I believe Your Word Dear God to obey You; and, I have confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and I believe with my whole heart that You Dear God raised Jesus from the Dead; and, I have called to You according to Romans 10:13, and I know that right now, [I am SAVED]. Amen.

Congratulations! Your (name) right now is written down in the [Lamb’s Book of Life]. (YOU ARE SAVED). Amen.

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