Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones Interview Highlights Including: Transhumanism, Yuval Noah Harari, the Depopulation Agenda, John Kerry, Agenda 2030, Trump 2024, Exposing The Great Reset Agenda, What Got Alex Jones Kicked Off of Twitter & More
Elon Musk | Musk's Tucker Carlson Interview Highlights: The Significance 42? "My Driving Philosophy Is to Understand the Meaning of Life." + "How Do You Find Meaning If AI Is Better Than You At Everything?" Rev 11:2 & Rev 13:5
COVID-19 | "Maybe Covid Changed the Way People Think?" - Tucker Carlson + "Spike Protein Itself Is Capable of Doing Neural Inflammation. The Real Cause of Alzheimers Is Neural Inflammation & Our Lifestyle." - Dr. Michael Nehls