The Great Reset | "Authority And Power Will Shift Away from Humans to Computers And Most Humans Will Become Economically USELESS and Politically POWERLESS." - Yuval Noah Harari + "Your Going to Be Following That Device." - Ray Dalio
Artificial Intelligence | "One of the Biggest Things Happening In the World Right Now Is a Shift In Authority from Humans to Artificial Intelligence. Maybe the Bank Says No. The Bank Says the Algorithm Says No." - Yuval Noah Harari
Artificial Intelligence | "One of the Biggest Things Happening In the World Right Now Is a Shift In Authority from Humans to A.I."- Yuval Noah Harari + "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Just Happens to Be In the Way. It Will Destroy Humani
Great Reset | Has Biden Team Found a Way to Give WHO Authority Over US Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns and Surveillance While Avoiding Senate Approval? "Nobody Will Be Safe If Not Everybody Is Vaccinated." - Klaus Schwab