ReAwaken America Tour | General Fn & Team lynn, Eric Trump, Alex Jones, Kash Patel, Gen FlynAmerica Take ReAwaken Tour to Miami, FL (May 12 & 13) & Las Vegas, NV (Aug. 25 & 26) + Schwab & World Economic Forum Are Going to HELL!!!
ReAwaken America Tour | Momentum Builds As Eric Trump, General Flynn, Julie Green, Kash Patel, Pastor Greg Locke, Alex Jones, Mike Lindell & Team America Heads to Trump Doral Miami, FL (May 12th & 13th) & Las Vegas NV, (Aug. 25th & 26th)
Mark of the Beast | How the Beast System Works: The Quant-Based CBDC, 5G, COVID-19 Shot, Luciferase-Based Biosensor, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computer & CERN System Explained
ReAwaken America Tour Nashville, TN Updates!!! 1. Where to Park 2. Final Itinerary Released 3. Doors Open At 6 AM 4. Event Starts At 8:00 AM 5. You Must Bring Your ID to Get In
Alex Jones | Alex Jones Joins Roger Stone to Discuss What Is Inside the COVID-19 Shots and the History of Alex Jones & INFOWars Program + 7 Tickets Remain for the Nashville ReAwaken America Tour Event
CBDC | "CBDC Allow Targeted Policy Functions. By Programming CBDC, Money Can Be Targeted for What Kind of People Can Own & What Kind of Use This Kind of Money Can Be Utilized." - Bo Li
CBDC & The Great Reset | Could There Be a Connection Between the Two? "We Will See the Rise of a New Massive Class, The USELESS CLASS. The New Revolution Will Create THE USELESS CLASS." - Yuval Noah Harari
CBDC | "China Is Using Technology to Monitor All of Its People. It's Like Adding Your Facebook Data to Your Credit Score Only with FAR MORE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES."
Bill Gates | CBDCs | What Do You Say to the Charge That If You Are a Climate Campaigner And You Also Travel Around the World In a Private Jet You Are a Hypocrite. "I Spend Billions of Dollars On Climate Innovation." - Bill Gates