2 years agoFallen angel avatar elite do not consider vaccinated people as humans but new specie homo-borgenesisChristianRapture
2 years agoDraco avatar Farnese family runs all wars & genocide & militaries of world from Satanist HQ PentagonChristianRapture
2 years agoSatan Lucifer & fallen angels had plan half century ago to nuke all American cities to start NWOChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO fallen angel elites are now coming after your genetic children & poor people to euthanize murderChristianRapture
2 years agoSatan's NWO "Black Sun" Sabbatean Frankist Nazi Chabad plan to exterminate Slav & Lyran & Rus peopleChristianRapture
2 years ago50% of pastors & church members are Satanist DID reptilian soulless people for killing church peopleChristianRapture
8 days agoRomantic Italian Music with Unforgettable Scenic Views of Italy / Italia IndimenticabileRelax with Mila
4 days agoStuck in the Cold with a Stubborn Wood Oven | Silent Viking's First AdventureSilentVikingOfficial