1 year ago💥 Weaponized "Healthcare" - Deadly Covid Vaccine Ingredients and Legal Frameworks for State-Sponsored Biochemical Warfare and MURDERReal Truth Real NewsVerified
2 years agoEvidence based pathology of vaxx deaths, injuries | Prof. dr. Arne Burkhardt, March 11, 2022frankploegman
1 year agoEvidence of COVID-19 Vaccine Contamination to the FDA VRBPAC Advisory CommitteeNews and Entertainment
2 years agoPoornima Wagh, colleagues, analyzed contents of 2300 vaxx vials. Found toxins, no genetic materialfrankploegman
1 year agoDr. Ryan Cole & Dr. Colleen Huber Discuss TURBO CANCER & COVID VACCINES With Steve KirschSunfellow On COVID-19
3 months agoThe Great Debate in Australia on DNA Contamination | Journalist Maryanne DemasiAlice Springs To MindVerified
1 year agoDr Janci Lindsey Describes Why Covid-19 Vaccines Are So DangerousAlice Springs To MindVerified
9 months agoCovid-19 Vaccine Contamination: Graphene Oxide & NanotechnologyAnti World Order InitiativeVerified
1 year agoCancer Genomics Expert Testifies to the Senate on the DNA Contamination Found in mRNA COVID VaccinesRED CACHE
10 months agoDr David Speicher Testifies on DNA Contamination in the mRNA vaccinesFreedom & Unity For Everyone
1 year agoCovid DNA Vaccine or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love mRNA Breast MilkRaison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.
1 year agoExperts Dr. M. Fornerod and Prof. T.Schetters are calling for suspension of genetic mRNA vaccinesTomaris
1 year agoDutch experts Dr. Maarten Fornerod and Prof. Theo Schetters are calling for suspension of mRNA jabsNot MSM
5 months agoStomach Cancer Diagnosis Announced by NZ Government Pfizer Representative Nigel LattaAlice Springs To MindVerified
5 months agoRecent Study Shows Self-Assembly Nanobots in the COVID-19 Injectables | Greg ReeseBiological Medicine