Poornima Wagh, colleagues, analyzed contents of 2300 vaxx vials. Found toxins, no genetic material

2 years ago

Poornima Wagh, PhD and 17 colleagues worldwide have been hard at work analyzing the contents of COVID 'vaccine' vials that have been smuggled in.

Their findings:

1. The contents of all vials are almost the same, regardless of manufacturer or type (mRNA, viral vector, traditional vaccine). They have analyzed the contents in the vials of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson, Novavax, Sinopharm, Sinovac, and Covishield.

2. The vials contain:

- Hydrogel CBG (?) adjuvant
- Lipid nanoparticle (LNP). Pfizer uses PEG-ylated LNPs. PEG = Poly-Ethylene Glycol, which is anti-freeze and highly inflammatory. Moderna uses SM-102.
- Reduced graphene oxide
- Massive amounts of contamination: tungsten, osmium, silica, silver, gold, nickel, lead, aluminum (massive amounts)

3. None of the vials contain any genetic material or spike proteins.

The contaminations are very stable and they accumulate in adipose tissue and other places. They cause irritation and inflammation, and are likely to be (one of) the cause(s) of blood vessel problems (e.g. aneurysms, clots, blockages).

The reduced graphene oxide has a weak positive charge. Human tissues have a negative charge. Graphene oxide causes inflammation and short circuiting, which can lead to heart issues and death.

The house of one of Wagh's colleagues in the Philippines who was also researching the contents of the vials, got burned down. Both pharmafia, power hungry people and the COVID cult, do not want people doing independent thinking and analysis, and speaking out.

All the different 'vaccines' have at most some minor modifications. It's the same concoction of toxins with different brand names.

Wagh and all her colleagues worldwide have analyzed 2300 different vials thus far. The minor differences in the contents they have found, may be behind the batch variability that has been observed by researchers analyzing the adverse event data. Batches that have a higher dose of graphene oxide, for example, will have a higher rate of adverse events and deaths.

In short, the 'vaccines' are nothing more than chemical toxins. They are not even a bio-weapon, because they're not biological.


Evidence based pathology of vaxx deaths, injuries - Prof. dr. Arne Burkhardt, March 11, 2022
👆 [33m30s] Contaminations found in both Pfizer and Moderna fluids have been tested with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for the atoms present. They have found particles that are high in both carbon and oxygen, which could point to graphene oxide, although this has not been fully confirmed. They also have found metallic particles containing silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, chromium and titanium. Glass-like objects have also been found. Whatever they are, they should not be there. Noteworthy is that no contaminations were found in the Janssen / Johnson and Johnson fluids.

Dr. Stephan Becker on PEG & Graphene Oxide in Jabs and Jab induced Injury Management

What is SM-102? | dr. Jessica Rose
👆 Dr. Rose explains refers to official documents which say that the LNPs are: "Toxic if swallowed, toxic if inhaled, may cause cancer". Also, "This product [SM-102] is for research use - Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic."

The mRNA-LNP platform's lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory

Dr. Daniel Nagase reveals advanced electron microscopy, compositional analysis of COVID jabs

Dr. Nagase on difference between right and legal, research on suspicious vaxx composition findings

Want to know what's inside the vaccine vials? | Steve Kirsch


Segment starts around 1h10m in original.

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