1. The Enemy Had No Chance To Sow The Tares Until The Farmer Slept, Wake Up From Risk - August 12, 2022

    The Enemy Had No Chance To Sow The Tares Until The Farmer Slept, Wake Up From Risk - August 12, 2022

  2. Horus Heresy: Legions: Blighting of Terra: Caipha Morarg

    Horus Heresy: Legions: Blighting of Terra: Caipha Morarg

  3. Faith Is The Ultimate For The Believer Where It Is Present Fear Is Absent & Vice Versa- June 29 2022

    Faith Is The Ultimate For The Believer Where It Is Present Fear Is Absent & Vice Versa- June 29 2022

  4. Jesus Healed & Cast Out Devils, Fulfilling Isaiah 53 From Eternity Past To Present - June 28, 2022

    Jesus Healed & Cast Out Devils, Fulfilling Isaiah 53 From Eternity Past To Present - June 28, 2022

  5. Casting Out The Demons Into The Swine Demonstrate Realities Of The Spirit Realm Above.. June 30 2022

    Casting Out The Demons Into The Swine Demonstrate Realities Of The Spirit Realm Above.. June 30 2022

  6. I Was In Heaven And Then This Happened- Easy Short Prayer - Timothy J Douglass Sr

    I Was In Heaven And Then This Happened- Easy Short Prayer - Timothy J Douglass Sr

  7. When You Become More Concerned With The Means Of Worship Than The One You Worship... - July 28, 2022

    When You Become More Concerned With The Means Of Worship Than The One You Worship... - July 28, 2022

  8. Jesus Called Common People & Uncommon Leaders Rich & Poor; Educated & Uneducated - July 12, 2022

    Jesus Called Common People & Uncommon Leaders Rich & Poor; Educated & Uneducated - July 12, 2022

  9. God Reminded Them Of Their Ancestors, Their Spiritual Heritage—Abraham and Sarah - March 14, 2022

    God Reminded Them Of Their Ancestors, Their Spiritual Heritage—Abraham and Sarah - March 14, 2022

  10. Aug 6, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... My Word is Fire! I do not bring Peace, but a great Division

    Aug 6, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... My Word is Fire! I do not bring Peace, but a great Division

  11. The Lord Calls Apostates & Hypocrites To Appear Before Him For Judgement Or Amendment- April 6, 2022

    The Lord Calls Apostates & Hypocrites To Appear Before Him For Judgement Or Amendment- April 6, 2022

  12. Commanding God Is An Expression Of The Highest Relationship, Friendship & Cooperation - Feb 28, 2022

    Commanding God Is An Expression Of The Highest Relationship, Friendship & Cooperation - Feb 28, 2022
