Faith Is The Ultimate For The Believer Where It Is Present Fear Is Absent & Vice Versa- June 29 2022

2 years ago

Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on June 29, 2022

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Word 1
• Matt 8:16-17 Matthew continues to show Jesus' kingly nature. Through a single touch, Jesus healed; when he spoke a single word, evil spirits fled his presence. Jesus has authority over all evil powers and all earthly disease. He also has power and authority to conquer sin. Sickness and evil are consequences of living in a fallen world. But in the future, when God removes all sin, there will be no more sickness and death. Jesus' healing miracles were a taste of what the whole world will one day experience in God's Kingdom. Everything Jesus did we can do and even do greater (John 14:12). So, if Jesus healed all the sick and cast out all devils with His word, you can do also. Let this be a standard to attain.

Word 2
• Matt. 8:18-20 Following Jesus is not always easy or comfortable. Often it means great cost and sacrifice, with no earthly rewards or security. Jesus didn't have a place to call home. You may find that following Christ costs you popularity, friendships, leisure time, or treasured habits. But while the cost of following Christ is high, the value of being Christ's disciple is even higher. Discipleship is an investment that lasts for eternity and yields incredible rewards.

Word 3
• Matt. 8:21-22 Jesus was always direct with those who wanted to follow him. He made sure they counted the cost and set aside any conditions they might have for following him. As God's Son, Jesus did not hesitate to demand complete loyalty. Even family loyalty was not to take priority over the demands of obedience. His direct challenge forces us to ask ourselves about our own priorities in following him. The decision to follow Jesus should not be put off, even though other loyalties compete for our attention. Nothing should be placed above a total commitment to living for him.

Personal Supplication
Father in the name of Jesus, help me maintain a level of loyalty to you and the kingdom that will make my love for you tower above everything else in my life.
Matt 6:33
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Daily Protection Covenant Declaration
Because I dwell in the secret place of the most High, I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover me with his feathers, and under his wings shall I trust: his truth shall be my shield and buckler.
I shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it shall not come nigh me.
Only with my eyes shall I behold and see the wicked rewarded.

Because I have made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, my habitation;
There shall no evil befall me neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling.
For God shall give his angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways.
They shall bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone.
I shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt I trample under feet.
Because I have set my love upon God, therefore will He deliver me: He will set me on high, because I have known His name.
I shall call upon Him, and He will answer me: He will be with me in trouble; He will deliver me, and honour me.

With long life will God satisfy me, and shew me His salvation.
So shall it be for me and my household today and forever, Amen and Amen!


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