5 months agoEpisode 17: Songlines for the Soul: Veronica Goodchild on Crop Circles, UFO's and Synchronicity. Pt1Against The Grain
5 months agoChrist Bloodline Reptilian Royal Family Alien Romulus Numerology Firmament Flat Earth Crop CirclesVictorHugoArt
1 year agoDebunking the Bower & Chorley Story why Crop Circles aren't all HoaxesThink Anomalous - Science and the Unexplained
1 year agoCrop Circles and the Paranormal with Barbara Lamb, Dr. Sharnael, and co-host Craig WalkerDr Sharnael True Tv
2 years agoFlock of Birds Flying Circles around a Sacred Temple in India ~ More Strange Phenomena with Animalswhitegoldeagle
2 years agoNAR: Seeing Crows Everywhere & Praying in Circles is Biblical?? Former Witch Testimony and Warning.amday
3 years agoMarillion - Hotel Hobbies - Warm Wet Circles - That Time of the Night - First Listen/ReactionMusicWithToddLedbetterVerified
2 years agoWiltshire, UK - Home to the Knights Templar Pedophile Cops, Crop Circles, UFO's and StonehengeGlobal Agenda
11 months agoOn the Strange Reality Michael Freehawk Polani discusses, UFOs, crop circles, and the paranormal.DaveyDean