1 year agoMy love ❤️ #youtubeshortsJoin me on my adventures and get a glimpse of the world through my lens 🎥
1 year agoJOEL GOULD G | CANCER CAUSES: squamous & basal cell carcinoma too much sun Melanoma: LACK OF SUNDoctors To Trust
1 year agoTIM NOAKES e | 30% of elite runners on high carb diets will be pre-diabetic in their 30sDoctors To Trust
1 year agoTED NAIMAN i | EAT NOW the way you want to eat FOREVER! tweak protein up; tweak carbs & fats downDoctors To Trust
1 year agoELIZABETH BRIGHT e | Ruminant FAT gives omega 3 & calcium…salmon & sardines OKDoctors To Trust
1 year agoANTHONY CHAFFEE g | Dialysis? If kidneys not totally gone: carnivore may restore functionDoctors To Trust
20 days agoWinter Parka Woman Long Jacket Hooded Detachable Thicken Loose Zipper Pockets Warm ReviewAE Wizard Review
12 days ago30M Permanent Outdoor Eaves LED Lights String APP Bluetooth Pixels Addressable Led ReviewAE Wizard Review