Living In The Private Vs Public

9 months ago

What does it mean exactly.

It means you do not subscribe to the social conditioning that's happened in the last 100+ years that you are required by the so called government to participate in the MECHANISMS they created that put you IN THE PUBLIC.

Like ->Licenses -> Recordings -> Registrations -> Forms.

Oy vey the forms!
The forms are CONTRACTS!

But how Gianna?
Well you sign them don't you? LOL
You're agreeing to something.

But they are UNILATERAL contracts.
One way only.

Lack of disclosure that you are waiving your rights.
Would you EVER waive your rights?

Not if you have an IQ over 100.

So these are contracts of fraud due to lack of disclosure.

Start using your head.

Did you have to use these forms and participate prior to the 1930's?

Why do you have to pay the government for activities which are already your right to do and have?

You don't.
Social conditioning.

We are de-conditioning you.
We are teaching you to stand under the common law only.

Which means that you shall love thy neighbor and do no harm.

You are a person of honor.
If you break something you fix it.
The government need not be involved.

You can open a bar, a restaurant, any business without permission from the government.

Put it in a PMA if you have a partner.
Private Member's Association

Or if you have partners in an LLC, YOU can be a PMA and be paid through that IRS free.

We do not speculate this.
We live it.
I have hundreds of members who do it as well.

People think this should be free to them, when it's my every day 7 days a week, tending to my members.

You can find a community of people willing to help you for the price of a cup of coffee every day.

Let our faith, courage, and entrepreneurial spirit be contagious to you.

This is the greatest time in the history of the world where you can sit on your ass in the comfort of your own home and earn income online.

So stick your communism up yours.

This is the most life changing curriculum on the planet offering you more than Harvard and Wharton ever could.

Even if you're a millionaire, you're still bending over to stand under the shit made up rules of other men.

You can stand under God, in honor, serve mankind, and keep every dime of your money.

An LLC only lets you pay LESS TAXES.
Pay no taxes to the devil!!

Follow me to freedom!

Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.

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