1. Is There Evidence to Truly Support the Great Flood?

    Is There Evidence to Truly Support the Great Flood?

  2. Prophecy Proves The Bible Is The Word of God

    Prophecy Proves The Bible Is The Word of God

  3. Evidence that Lord Jesus Christ is the Person of the Trinity of God who knows good and evil

    Evidence that Lord Jesus Christ is the Person of the Trinity of God who knows good and evil

  4. Evidence of prohibiting women to become pastors is a mistake

    Evidence of prohibiting women to become pastors is a mistake

  5. Evidence that God never decreed or permitted the fall of man

    Evidence that God never decreed or permitted the fall of man

  6. Evidence that Mary is not the mother of all christians

    Evidence that Mary is not the mother of all christians

  7. Evidence that the inhabitants of heaven can’t continue our prayers to God

    Evidence that the inhabitants of heaven can’t continue our prayers to God

  8. Evidence that we are also close to God like Mary and the Saints in heaven

    Evidence that we are also close to God like Mary and the Saints in heaven

  9. Evidence of Mr. Paul Zhang, Mr. Rudy Layar Teologi & Mr. Tanpa Ragi are a Progressive Christian

    Evidence of Mr. Paul Zhang, Mr. Rudy Layar Teologi & Mr. Tanpa Ragi are a Progressive Christian

  10. Evidence of God the Holy Spirit only comes from God the Father

    Evidence of God the Holy Spirit only comes from God the Father

  11. 4.7.23: ABUSE of POWER is running rampant. How do you INTRODUCE EVIDENCE legally? UKRAINE up! PRAY!

    4.7.23: ABUSE of POWER is running rampant. How do you INTRODUCE EVIDENCE legally? UKRAINE up! PRAY!

  12. Evidence For Jesus EMPTY Tomb w/William Lane Craig #Shorts

    Evidence For Jesus EMPTY Tomb w/William Lane Craig #Shorts

  13. Evidence Of Joseph Found In Egypt #shorts

    Evidence Of Joseph Found In Egypt #shorts

  14. Evidence of praying for one another only applies to christians who are still on earth

    Evidence of praying for one another only applies to christians who are still on earth

  15. The bible prophecy no atheist can disprove

    The bible prophecy no atheist can disprove
