Evidence that we are also close to God like Mary and the Saints in heaven

2 years ago

Evidence that we are also close to God like Mary and the Saints in heaven
(Bukti kita juga dekat dengan Tuhan seperti Maria dan Santo-Santa di sorga)

Ayat Alkitab / Bible verses:
Yohanes / John 14:23;
1 Korintus / 1 Corinthians 3:16;
1 Korintus / 1 Corinthians 6:19;
Galatia / Galatians 4:6;

#christianity #God #Lord #mary #saints #theSaints #pray #heaven #catholic #orthodox #church #catholicChurch #orthodoxChurch #intercession #close #earth #Jesus #JesusChrist #LordJesusChrist #GodTheFather #Father #GodTheHolySpirit #GodTheHolyGhost #HolySpirit #HolyGhost

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