2 months agoEreticu Ecumenist MONOFIZIT Daniel Avram NEAGA PECETEA FIZICA/MATERIALA 666 DIN APOCALIPSA 5.11.2023ayeaye20
11 months agoAtheul Eretic Ecumenist Petru Moga ADEPTUL curviei mixte cu vaticanist, si al studiilor la ereticiayeaye20
1 year ago'Frankenstein Future': Israel's Bio-Convergence Program and the Merging of Biology and Engineering. "The headlines leave no room for misinterpretation," - CHECK THE DESCRIPTION FOR RECEIPTS!nonvaxer420
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2 months agoEreticii Ecumenisti Virgiliu Gheorghe, cei din Athos PROPAGANDA ptr. Ereticul Ecumenist MASON Calinayeaye20
1 year ago💥 Robert David Steele: "We Have it All" - The NSA Has Trillions of Dollars of Wall Street Theft EvidenceReal Truth Real NewsVerified
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1 year agoOtroc Veaceslav, Crucea si Painea, Pecete, Cipul666 pus cu FORTA, bisericile vor fi goale, INN(CNP)ayeaye20
3 years ago【預告】「限籍令」落下,謝霆鋒急退外籍;劉鶴突轉調,公開鼓勵發展民企;新舊文革4大對比:習近平發動的到底是不是新文革?| 遠見快評唐靖遠 | 2021.09.06|Youmaker遠見快評
10 months agoEreticul Ecumenist DAN NEGRU TOT NU SE LEAPADA DE EREZIA ECUMENISTA! 1 aprilie 2024ayeaye20
1 year agoSectarul Ecumenist Eretic PASTOR Vasile Filat din Chisinau e si el cu RELIGIA=inchinarea la DRACIayeaye20