Yuval Noah Harari | "If Two Men Love Each Other Why Should A God Object to That? Why Would a Good God Have Any Problem With Two People Loving Each Other." - Yuval Noah Harari
Biden: "I've never once spoken to Chairman Fed since I became president." 2022: "I'm meeting with Chairman to discuss my top priority, and that is addressing inflation. That's why we're meeting," the press leaves.
CDC Hid The V-Safe Data And We Know Why; It’s Dire It clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why.
Artificial Intelligence | "We Must Have Democratization of AI Technology And Make It Widely Available. And That's Why You And Me And the Rest of the Team ($1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates) Created Open AI." - Elon Musk
Democrat Clinton: "I don't think people have to vote for Trump because the economy was better there. We need people who have different life experiences & areas of knowledge. That's why Kamala will be a better president."
CBDCs | "This RESET Will Be a Huge SHOCK When Americans Catch On. That's Why the Average Person Won't Hear a Word About the Story Until It's Obvious to Just About Everyone and By Then It's Going to Be TOO LATE."