1 year agoANTHONY CHAFFEE f | Crohn’s & autoimmune diseases: cut carbs & fiber: ALL MEDS GONEDoctors To Trust
1 year agoMICHAEL HORLICK 3 | Blood vitamin D: 25OHD greater than 75 nml/L? ZERO risk of osteomalaciaDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye if you have not suffered an acute injury DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE NOT BEATING UP JOINTS"Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali repeatedly heated oil: livers severely damaged! -fatty liver enzymes 2.5 times higherDoctors To Trust
1 year agoJAY VINCENT 8 | DANGEROUS to do exercise requiring both lifting & stabilizing!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoKen Berry & Chris Knobbe.Age related macular degeneration Alzheimer's were UNKNOWN in 19th century"Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. 86g of US dietary fat is vegetable oil!-our ancestors ate tallow & butterDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDREW BAYE 2 | BASIC START: 2 lower body; 2 push; 2 pull; neck; calf; ab; wristDoctors To Trust
1 year agoStasha Gorminak. vitamin A is vitamin & hormone-vitamin D is hormone from sun/skinDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDREW BAYE 6 | ANY TRAINING METHOD: hard, consistent, progressive CAN GET RESULTS TO YOUR POTENTIALDoctors To Trust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN e’ | Pregnant? Insulin resistance goes too far? Baby hard-wired: become TYPE 2 DIABETICDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. Coaches, trainers need to take clients' safety very seriously...Doctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. This approach is just as effective as any other effective method...-but this is saferDoctors To Trust
1 year agoANTHONY CHAFFEE 1 | PLANTS DON’T GIVE: A; B12; D3; K2; creatine; heme iron; EPA; DHEADoctors To Trust