2 years ago'Actually mate, you've lied to us'- Angela Rayner blasts Boris Johnson for cost of living crisis-2mjo1885n43g
2 years agoCost of living crisis surges in UK | BOE to go for biggest rate hike since 1995 | Latest News |Latest News
1 year agoWAPO journalists wanna ask y'all for your support during their strike for a payrise..chinlee
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6 months agoWHO Director General - "The climate crisis is a health crisis...It's right here and right now."Asher Press
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2 years agoUK hit by biggest strike in more than a decade, half a million workers walk out on jobs to protestJust the NewsVerified
2 months ago‘No Price Tag’ For Mass Deportation Plan, Will Cost Less Than Keeping Illegals In Countrychristinaaguayo
2 years agoGo to jail for heating your house! Energy rationing normalised. Cost of living hurts parentsFcuknewnormal
2 months agoThis is criminal… and pisses me off! You know someone who this all hitNewsVariableVerified