A Rothschild Speaks Out: Erin Rothschild Interviewed by Kerry Cassidy 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT | WE in 5D: FLASHBACK to What Quality Informational Interviewing and Investigative Reporting Looks Like When Camelot was Tip of the Spear! #VintageCamelot
Ascension Vs. Integration: Gods, ETs and the Omniverse — George Kavassilas on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" | WE in 5D: Pretty Much Completely Agree [97%]!!! (Kavassilas Over Salla)
TRUTH OR DECEPTION AND HOPEUM? “At What Point Are The White Hats The Black Hats?” — PROJECT CAMELOT 🐆 [WE in 5D: “Work on Your F✰cking Ascension and Let it Be!” More Said in Description Below ⬇️]
WE in 5D Addresses the Recent Kerry Cassidy & M.L. Redneck Renegade Interview/Conversion. [NESARA/GESARA a 3rd Dimensional Concept?—Not Verbalized by Me Originally, But Find Out if I Agree.] “Patriotism Cannot be Our Final Spiritual Shelter.”
Potential Soul-Loss, and Other [Potentially NECESSARY-For-Most] Effects on The Psyche and Soul AFTER Stepping Out of Matrix Programming! — Jean Nolan (Inspired) | WE in 5D: "Fuck!ng ACCURATE!"
So, What Happens After You Begin to Break Through The Matrix's Programming?: Potential Soul-Loss, and Other Effects on The Psyche and Soul! — Jean Nolan (Inspired) | WE in 5D: "Fuck!ng ACCURATE!"
Energy Vampires and Their Effect on Your Physical Health, What About The New Earth/5D?, Dealing with Social Media, The Prayer of Divine Love, and More! ꧁ Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD. on Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation ꧂
5D "Awakening": It Happened, it's OVER, 5D Vs. 3D isn't an Option When You Already Chose (Didn't Know You Did?) Next, Everyone Goes to Where They're Supposed to—and Have Been for Some Time! | Ralph Smart and Danica Patrick