1 year agoStalkers doing assignments Stasi 2.0 Government run organised stalking and false flags hoaxes psy opGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoThe Mustang - government run organised stalking and crisis actors false flags hoaxes gun grabGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoStasi 2.0 A large percentage of the population are working for the state gov organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoParking in a street where I've never parked before dead heading back to my car Organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoHeading to the police station to catch some faces Gov Organised stalking A worldwide programGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoUnexpected assignment being done when leaving my house government watch listGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoGovernment run organised stalking. It's all about the timing and false flags hoaxes psy-opsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoDid they use directed energy weapons in Maui Or the eyes and ease of the state The Sandy Hook HoaxGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agousing firefighters to do assignments to let the target know he's on watch and hoaxes false flagsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoStalker making it obvious to let the target know he's on watch and the Maui staged firesGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoStalkers making it obvious to let the target know he's on watch and the Maui staged firesGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoMissing brake lights letting the target know he's on watch and The Maui staged firesGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoUsing the neighbours twice Missing headlights missing brake lights Brunswick and False Flags HoaxesGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoStalker filming the target - A large percentage of the population are working for the stateGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoThe government using the citizens to stalk the target stasi 2.0 A worldwide programmeGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agostreet theatre Letting the target know he's on watch when the target leaves his house stasi 2.0Global_communist_takeover1
1 year agoEmergency service street theatre All done to let the target know he's on watch Sensitising tacticsGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoOnly a certain amount of stalkers are chosen to do assignments at each location the target Heads toGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoHandlers using the neighbours to let the target know he's on watchGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoThe tactics will always change to let the target know he's on watch gov organised stalkingGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoStalker playing his role The government using the citizens to stalk the target and psy-ops hoaxesGlobal_communist_takeover1