1. Cai Esheng, former Vice Chairman of the CBRC, pleaded guilty, confirming Miles Guo's revelations

    Cai Esheng, former Vice Chairman of the CBRC, pleaded guilty, confirming Miles Guo's revelations

  2. The CCP's concealment of economic data poses significant risks to investors worldwide!

    The CCP's concealment of economic data poses significant risks to investors worldwide!

  3. The challenge of separating truth from fiction in Communist China is made tougher by Wall Street

    The challenge of separating truth from fiction in Communist China is made tougher by Wall Street

  4. It is extremely risky to invest pension funds in state-owned enterprises of Communist China!

    It is extremely risky to invest pension funds in state-owned enterprises of Communist China!

  5. Top US banks have been conducting business with the CCP while ignoring its genocide and slave labor

    Top US banks have been conducting business with the CCP while ignoring its genocide and slave labor

  6. 关于新冠病毒、有一种观点认为它具有种族针对性,新冠病毒对某些种族的攻击特别严重,其攻击目标主要是白种人和黑人。免疫力最强的人群是犹太人和中国人。我们知道中共正在花费数亿美


  7. 德国 BioNTech 因其新冠疫苗涉嫌对健康造成损害而被起诉,这是该公司第一起与疫苗相关的诉讼。原告声称,由于治疗,他的右眼失明了、律师表示这一切都指向了疫苗接种的损害..!

    德国 BioNTech 因其新冠疫苗涉嫌对健康造成损害而被起诉,这是该公司第一起与疫苗相关的诉讼。原告声称,由于治疗,他的右眼失明了、律师表示这一切都指向了疫苗接种的损害..!

  8. 💥最新消息:佛罗里达州布里瓦德县领导委员会通过了一项决议,呼吁州长德桑蒂斯将 COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗定为非法,他们认为,“制药公司犯下了犯罪行为,在疫苗的有效性方面对公众进行了欺

    💥最新消息:佛罗里达州布里瓦德县领导委员会通过了一项决议,呼吁州长德桑蒂斯将 COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗定为非法,他们认为,“制药公司犯下了犯罪行为,在疫苗的有效性方面对公众进行了欺

  9. Chinese people lose their jobs because they speak up for their own justice

    Chinese people lose their jobs because they speak up for their own justice

  10. An old Chinese man who set up street stalls to sell fruits has been repeatedly harassed by the CCP

    An old Chinese man who set up street stalls to sell fruits has been repeatedly harassed by the CCP

  11. CEO of Yangtze Memory Technologies Co. exposed the CCP's lies about the rise of its chip industry

    CEO of Yangtze Memory Technologies Co. exposed the CCP's lies about the rise of its chip industry

  12. Investing in Communist China won't fundamentally change the CCP’s minds or behaviors

    Investing in Communist China won't fundamentally change the CCP’s minds or behaviors

  13. With the CCP's support, it is super easy to gain access to controlled technologies

    With the CCP's support, it is super easy to gain access to controlled technologies

  14. US absolutely needs outbound investment limitations on capital transfers to the CCP

    US absolutely needs outbound investment limitations on capital transfers to the CCP

  15. The lack of legal restrictions to the CCP on their capital flows helped it grow

    The lack of legal restrictions to the CCP on their capital flows helped it grow

  16. Gas explosion accidents occurred in two residential communities in China within two days

    Gas explosion accidents occurred in two residential communities in China within two days

  17. Both old and young people are seen falling to the ground suddenly in Communist China

    Both old and young people are seen falling to the ground suddenly in Communist China

  18. In 1989, Mr. Miles Guo proposed the idea of erecting the Statue of Liberty in Tiananmen Square

    In 1989, Mr. Miles Guo proposed the idea of erecting the Statue of Liberty in Tiananmen Square

  19. The CCP won’t be on “Team Humanity” when it comes to AI as it is the foremost enemy of world freedom

    The CCP won’t be on “Team Humanity” when it comes to AI as it is the foremost enemy of world freedom

  20. Dr. Kristian Andersen acknowledged that a lab leak is not a conspiracy theory!

    Dr. Kristian Andersen acknowledged that a lab leak is not a conspiracy theory!

  21. PAX案子有一堆的程序不正义!我们有理由必须怀疑,后面有多少个美国司法部被腐败的Higgninbathom。 419VOA爆料共产党的前一天,PAX捏造郭先生个人担保3000万未还

    PAX案子有一堆的程序不正义!我们有理由必须怀疑,后面有多少个美国司法部被腐败的Higgninbathom。 419VOA爆料共产党的前一天,PAX捏造郭先生个人担保3000万未还
