The CCP won’t be on “Team Humanity” when it comes to AI as it is the foremost enemy of world freedom

1 year ago

7/17/2023 Musk believes Communist China is on “Team Humanity” when it comes to AI. In response, Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher argued that the CCP is not only launching cyberattacks, stealing intellectual property, attempting to coerce the U.S. economically, and threatening Taiwan with war, but also committing genocide. The facts prove that the CCP is the foremost enemy of world freedom and it won’t be on “Team Humanity.”
#CCPCommitsGenocide #TakeDownCCP #TeamHumanity #Musk #AI #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/17/2023 马斯克谈AI时称相信中共国是站在“人类团队”一方的,共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔反驳称,中共不但发动网络攻击,窃取知识产权,进行经济胁迫,对台湾进行战争恐吓,还实施种族灭绝。事实证明,中共是当今世界自由的最大敌人,是无法站在”人类团队”一方的。
#中共种族灭绝 #消灭中共 #人类团队 #马斯克 #人工智能 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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