Top US banks have been conducting business with the CCP while ignoring its genocide and slave labor

11 months ago

7/13/2023 【Hearing of the House Select Committee on the CCP】Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer: Five of the top banks in the US have been conducting business with the Chinese Communist Party with no regard for their country's ongoing genocide and slave labor. We must compel them to take on a fiduciary responsibility to give investors information about the risks of their investments!
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/13/2023 【美国众议院中共问题特设委员会听证会】布莱因·卢克迈尔议员:美国最大的五家银行对中共国正在发生的种族屠杀和奴工现象不闻不问,并一直同中共做生意。我们美国需要强迫这些银行承担起信托责任,向投资者提供有关投资风险的信息!
#中共 #脱钩 #经济战 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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