1. Villagers besiege city hall, eventually dispersed by police

    Villagers besiege city hall, eventually dispersed by police

  2. CCP demolition team drags homeowner out to demolish house

    CCP demolition team drags homeowner out to demolish house

  3. CCP uses startups to trick young people into starting their own businesses

    CCP uses startups to trick young people into starting their own businesses

  4. Healthcare hospitals a year behind on payroll, collectively bargaining for wages

    Healthcare hospitals a year behind on payroll, collectively bargaining for wages

  5. A Woman discovers two more children under her account

    A Woman discovers two more children under her account

  6. Using cut-off roads to create fatal accidents to earn black money

    Using cut-off roads to create fatal accidents to earn black money

  7. He sat on the ground and cried when his herbs were taken away.

    He sat on the ground and cried when his herbs were taken away.

  8. In China you have to chain your kitchen knife in case you rebel against the government

    In China you have to chain your kitchen knife in case you rebel against the government

  9. You need a food license to throw your own party.

    You need a food license to throw your own party.

  10. Another rotten building where the owners are pressuring the government by queuing up at the bank

    Another rotten building where the owners are pressuring the government by queuing up at the bank

  11. Chinese village officials force women to have sex

    Chinese village officials force women to have sex

  12. Fire in Jiangxi Claims 39 Lives, Many Injured

    Fire in Jiangxi Claims 39 Lives, Many Injured

  13. Dozens of SWAT buses go to suppress abuse of middle school students

    Dozens of SWAT buses go to suppress abuse of middle school students

  14. Beyoncé made the house.碧桂园造的房子

    Beyoncé made the house.碧桂园造的房子

  15. mass jumping from a building

    mass jumping from a building

  16. The principal raped her 9-year-old daughter.

    The principal raped her 9-year-old daughter.

  17. Chinese bus company defaults on wages

    Chinese bus company defaults on wages

  18. CCP township government forcibly occupies people's land

    CCP township government forcibly occupies people's land

  19. Moral turpitude. Throwing bottles in the road.道德败坏,往马路上扔酒瓶

    Moral turpitude. Throwing bottles in the road.道德败坏,往马路上扔酒瓶

  20. The CCP's corrupt system is the root cause of all injustice in Chinese society

    The CCP's corrupt system is the root cause of all injustice in Chinese society
