The CCP's corrupt system is the root cause of all injustice in Chinese society

1 year ago

7/21/2023 "Return students" from Henan province are competing with local students for seats in high schools, leading to protests by parents in Xi'an. The CCP deployed a large number of police forces to "maintain stability." The CCP's corrupt system is the root cause of all injustice in Chinese society. Only by taking down the CCP can the Chinese people receive fair treatment!
#Xi’an #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/21/2023 河南“回流生”跟本地学生争夺高中教育资源,导致西安家长聚集抗议。中共出动了大批警力进行“维稳”。中共的邪恶体制是中国社会一切不公的根源,唯有消灭中共,中国老百姓才能受到公平的待遇!
#西安 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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