Fire in Jiangxi Claims 39 Lives, Many Injured

8 months ago

01/25/2024 A fire broke out in a store on the shopping street in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, China. But there is also an internet Café in the basement, and upstairs is a training center with lots of students. The fire disaster caused 39 dead and many injured. Many students desperately climbed out of second-floor windows and jumped out of the building. The cause of the fire is under investigation. The incident has sparked concerns as Lunar New Year approaches and there have been reports of incidents such as Landslides in Yunnan, a dormitory fire in Henan, and a dust explosion at a factory in Jiangsu.
01/25/2024 中国江西省新余市商业街一家商店发生火灾。但其地下室有一间网吧,楼上是培训机构,有很多学生。此次火灾 造成39人死亡、多人受伤。许多学生从二楼窗户爬出并跳下楼。 起火的原因正在调查中。 随着农历新年的临近,云南山体滑坡、河南宿舍火灾、江苏一家工厂粉尘爆炸等事件引发了人们担忧。

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