1. 【小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show节目】小飞象:西方提供给中共的技术被用来监视中国人因此西方必须与中共脱钩。

    【小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show节目】小飞象:西方提供给中共的技术被用来监视中国人因此西方必须与中共脱钩。

  2. 【小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show节目】格兰特:

    【小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show节目】格兰特:

  3. The US federal government has already acknowledged that Mr. Miles Guo is the #1 enemy of the CCP

    The US federal government has already acknowledged that Mr. Miles Guo is the #1 enemy of the CCP

  4. All Businesses in China's Survival Hinges on Submitting to the CCP

    All Businesses in China's Survival Hinges on Submitting to the CCP

  5. Microsoft has definitely surrendered its technology and data to the CCP

    Microsoft has definitely surrendered its technology and data to the CCP

  6. The Great Firewall that the CCP uses to block information is supported by Microsoft

    The Great Firewall that the CCP uses to block information is supported by Microsoft

  7. Foreign companies, such as Microsoft, face many risks in Communist China

    Foreign companies, such as Microsoft, face many risks in Communist China

  8. The West must decouple from the CCP because its technology has been used to oppress Chinese citizens

    The West must decouple from the CCP because its technology has been used to oppress Chinese citizens

  9. Aila: There Must Be Deals Made Between Microsoft and the CCP

    Aila: There Must Be Deals Made Between Microsoft and the CCP

  10. The U.S. sanctions against Russia backfire and now Yuan is replacing Dollar in Moscow Exchange

    The U.S. sanctions against Russia backfire and now Yuan is replacing Dollar in Moscow Exchange

  11. Xi Jinping's Strategic Purge of PLA Generals Signals Centralization of Military Power

    Xi Jinping's Strategic Purge of PLA Generals Signals Centralization of Military Power

  12. Political Persecution Encountered by Miles Guo During the Establishment of Pangu Hotel

    Political Persecution Encountered by Miles Guo During the Establishment of Pangu Hotel

  13. Ghost Towns and Left-Behind Children: Another Crime by the Chinese Communist Party

    Ghost Towns and Left-Behind Children: Another Crime by the Chinese Communist Party

  14. Xi Jinping Uses Trade Surpluses and Dumping to Maintain China's Fake Image of Prosperity

    Xi Jinping Uses Trade Surpluses and Dumping to Maintain China's Fake Image of Prosperity

  15. The CCP's Exploitation of the Wealth of the Chinese People: A Well-Known Open Secret

    The CCP's Exploitation of the Wealth of the Chinese People: A Well-Known Open Secret

  16. Aila: CCP Will Not Stop Escalating Its Aggression

    Aila: CCP Will Not Stop Escalating Its Aggression

  17. Aila: CCP Seized Miles Guo’s Property and Arrested All His Employees

    Aila: CCP Seized Miles Guo’s Property and Arrested All His Employees

  18. Aila: We Will Never Be Frustrated by Any of the Attacks From the Dictatorships and Our Opponents

    Aila: We Will Never Be Frustrated by Any of the Attacks From the Dictatorships and Our Opponents

  19. The CCP’s Dark Hands Have Been Trapping the Heroes and the Patriots in the United States

    The CCP’s Dark Hands Have Been Trapping the Heroes and the Patriots in the United States

  20. CCP: Predetermination, Fabrication, Oppression, and Replacing Justice with Fear and Control

    CCP: Predetermination, Fabrication, Oppression, and Replacing Justice with Fear and Control
