Aila: CCP Will Not Stop Escalating Its Aggression

6 months ago

06/21/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: The video clearly shows that CCP’s Navy boats surrounded Philippine’s fisher boats, and CCP’s Navy troops were the first to attack Philippine’s fisher boats. I absolutely think that the CCP will not stop escalating that aggression. Because it will be the time for them to declare an official or even a larger scale of military practice.
#CCPNavy #SouthChinaSea #Philippine #takedowntheccp
06/21/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:视频清楚地显示是中共的海警船包围了菲律宾的渔船,以及中共的海警人员先动手攻击了菲律宾的渔船。我认为中共绝对不会停止升级其侵略行径。因为,他们会借此时机宣布进行正式的甚至更大规模的军事演习。
#中共海警 #南中国海 #菲律宾 #消灭中共

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