Arabic and Persian dance with Zumba رقص عربي وفارسي مع الزومبا


سلام و درود به شما مشترک گرامی تمام سعی این مجموعه تولید و خلق محتوایی شاد برای یک زندگی شاد می باشد ممنون که شاد بودن را به خودتان ودیگران هدیه می دهید. Hello and dear subscribers The whole effort of this collection is to produce and create happy content for a happy life Thank you for giving happiness to yourself and others. مرحبا عزيزي المشترك يتمثل الجهد الكامل لهذه المجموعة في إنتاج وإنشاء محتوى سعيد لحياة سعيدة شكرا لك على منح السعادة لنفسك وللآخرين

Patriot Fat Fighter Ken


Welcome to my channel!! 🎉🎉😁😁 Here I want to provide the very best information uncovering nutritional truths to support a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight loss!! Here on this channel and through my deep research, my goal is to constantly provide the REAL stuff and not just regurgitated information. I am finding so much disinformation and misinformations in the health, wellness, and weight loss information out there. My goal on this channel is to punch through all of that and find the REAL stuff. So once again, WELCOME!!😁